The Canadian Lutheran Posts

June 6, 2022

LCC Seminaries present honorary awards

CANADA – LCC’s two seminaries presented the following honourary awards at their respective call services this year: Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS – St. Catharines)’s Call Service honoured Rev. Dr. Wilhelm Torgerson, Assistant Pastor at First Lutheran Church (Windsor, ON). The faculty and the Board…

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June 6, 2022

The Batman: A darker caped crusader

by Ted Giese When Mayor Don Mitchell, Jr. is murdered, Lt. James Gordon brings Gotham City’s cowled vigilante into the homicide investigation, because a card addressed to “The Batman” is found at the crime scene. The card contains a cipher and a riddle which leads…

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May 30, 2022

First calls for 2022’s graduating pastors, vicarage assignments

CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada’s two seminaries held Call Services on May 27 and 28 respectively, announcing the first calls of two graduating pastors as well as the vicarage placements of four students in preparation for the pastoral ministry. The first calls for graduating pastors were:…

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May 27, 2022

Dr. James Kellerman to join the faculty at CLTS

ST. CATHARINES – Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) recently announced that Rev. Dr. James A. Kellerman has accepted the call to join the seminary faculty. CLTS’ Board of Directors (Regents) prayerfully extended the call, upon recommendation of President Thomas Winger after interviewing candidates on April…

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May 24, 2022

LCC Seminaries set dates for Call Services

CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC)’s two seminaries have announced dates for this year’s Call Services which will take place in person, with a live-streaming option for those unable to attend. Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS – Edmonton) announced that their Sacred Convocation will take place at Concordia Lutheran…

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May 24, 2022

Together, One: Advancing the Mission and Ministry of Lutheran Church–Canada

CANADA – You may have read in previous issues of The Canadian Lutheran, that Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is working on creating a shared vision of the future for our Synod. This important work, dubbed the Purpose & Priorities Planning Process, has involved many voices across…

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