The Canadian Lutheran Posts

April 29, 2021

Roger Winger, former East District President, passes on to glory

WATERLOO, ONTARIO – Rev. Dr. Roger E. Winger, former president of Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) East District, died early in the morning of April 29, 2021. He was 87. “He has been prepared for his death since the day of his baptism, but more so since…

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April 28, 2021

Call for nominations for LCC’s 2022 National Convention

CANADA – As Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) begins preparations for 2022’s National Convention in Edmonton, A.B., the church is calling on its members to prayerfully consider nominations for synod’s boards and offices. In April, LCC sent a letter to all congregations inviting them to recommend candidates. Any LCC…

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April 28, 2021

CLTS students remember Linda Lantz

  ST. CATHARINES, Ont. – On March 15, 2021, Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) dedicated a new icon in memory of Linda Lantz, the seminary’s administrative assistant who passed on to glory in November 2019. Lantz served CLTS as an administrative assistant at the seminary…

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April 27, 2021

Lutheran Leavener: Prairie Pastor Plays Metal Music

  WARMAN, Saskatchewan – Many pastors are talented singers and musicians in their own rights, but it’s not everyday that one drops an EP—especially one featuring metal music. Rev. Peter Knelson is pastor of St. John’s Lutheran in Warman, Saskatchewan, but he also releases Christian…

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April 27, 2021

Just hoping is no hope at all

  by William Mundt “Hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.” – Hebrews 10:23   We say it a lot—seriously, all of us do, and more often than we should. Two words, five letters, many meanings: “I…

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April 26, 2021

Lutheran Church–Canada Adopts 2021 Budget

CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada’s adopted 2021 Budget is available in the March/April issue of The Canadian Lutheran and can be accessed as a printable PDF, Here. Overview Our Mission The mission of Lutheran Church–Canada is to organize, equip, and motivate its members to confess, proclaim,…

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