The Canadian Lutheran Posts

April 13, 2021

The Gospel of Feet

  by David Haberstock Dirty, dusty feet. On Holy Thursday—the night on which He instituted His Supper—Christ our Lord washed His disciples’ dusty, dirty feet (John 13). We usually understand this as Him taking the role of the servant and setting an example for His…

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April 9, 2021

Six CCCA Awards for The Canadian Lutheran

CANADA – The Canadian Christian Communicators Association (CCCA) held its annual Awards of Excellence on April 7, 2021, and The Canadian Lutheran received six awards: First Place (From the Editor), Second Place (Media Review), Third Place (Magazine Feature), Third Place (Biblical/Theological Reflection), Third Place (Opinion),…

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April 8, 2021

Comforted by Christ’s Descent Into Hell

  by Timothy Teuscher Week after week and year after year we confess in the Divine Service these words from the second article of the  Apostles’ Creed: “He descended into hell.” But what do those familiar words mean? What comfort do we find in this…

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April 4, 2021

Always Lent But Never Easter

  by Adam Chandler In the much beloved tale spun by C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, the world of Narnia was in a state where it was always winter but never Christmas. Without Aslan the Lion present, the desolation of cold…

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April 1, 2021

Vulnerable groups at risk as Canada expands physician assisted suicide

CANADA – The move by Canada’s federal government to extend legal physician assisted suicide and euthanasia has been met with widespread concern that the most vulnerable in our society are being placed at risk. On March 17, 2021, Bill C-7 received royal assent, following a…

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March 25, 2021

Long-term church administrator retires

  SOUTHLAND CIRCUIT, Sask. – Recently, Roberta Freitag retired as church secretary of St. John and St. Peter Lutheran Parish, after serving for 37 years. During that time she has served alongside six pastors: Rev. Greg Heidorn, Rev. Keith Reisdorf, Rev. Neil Otke, Rev. Bill…

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