The Canadian Lutheran Posts

December 16, 2020

LCC releases Six Month Financial Report for 2020

CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) Administrator, Dwayne Cleave, has prepared a Six Month Financial Report for 2020 which was included in the November/December Issue of The Canadian Lutheran magazine. An extended version of the report is now also available as a printable PDF Here and…

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December 14, 2020

HLMS says thanks for COVID-19 support

  HAITI – The Haiti Lutheran Mission Society (HLMS) is thanking Canadian Lutherans for their support of Haitians during the COVID-19 pandemic. “You, our faithful supporters, have continued to bless our mission,” writes Andrew Jackson, HLMS treasurer, in response to the gifts and prayers offered….

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December 14, 2020

CLTS welcomes new Professor

ST. CATHARINES, Ont. – Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) has announced that Rev. Dr. Thomas Korcok has accepted the call to serve as Associate Professor of Theology. Dr. Korcok has been serving as a visiting professor at CLTS this fall semester, and so will transition…

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December 9, 2020

A Christmas Letter from LCC’s Board of Directors

  ONLINE – A letter was sent out today, on behalf of the Board of Directors of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), extending prayers and Christmas greetings to all the members of our congregations and to all our pastors, deacons, and church workers. The letter continued with…

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December 9, 2020

A Lamp To My Feet: Reading the Word of God Daily

by Leonardo Neitzel Beginning in 2011, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) began publishing resources and encouraging individuals and congregations to read through the Bible yearly, biennially, or triennially. The theme of LCC’s national convention that year was “In Your Light We See Light” (Psalm 36:9). Several years…

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December 8, 2020

Online Advent Celebration

  KITCHENER, Ont. – Bethel Lutheran Church, unable to hold their traditional Adventsfeier (Advent program), which usually includes music, children’s presentations, readings, skits, and singing, is instead offering a recorded Advent program available to everyone.  Since none of the usual program is possible face to…

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