Australian Lutheran bishop to retire

LCA Bishop John Henderson (Photo: LCA)
AUSTRALIA – Bishop John Henderson of the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA)—a partner church of Lutheran Church–Canada—has announced that he will not be seeking reelection at the church’s Convention of General Synod later this year.
Bishop Henderson was first elected to head the LCA in April 2013. He was also the first leader of the Australian church to hold the title of bishop, as the same convention which elected him also voted to change the title of synodical head from president to bishop. He was reelected to a second term in October 2018.
Bishop Henderson formerly served as Vice President of the LCA from 2006-2011, and as a member of the General Church Council from 2003-2011. He also served as Principal of Australian Lutheran Council from 2009 until his election as bishop. He was first ordained in 1982.
In addition to not seeking reelection, Bishop Henderson has announced his intention to retire from active pastoral ministry.
The next steps in the search for a new bishop will take place in July 2021, when delegates to the General Pastors Conference will nominate candidates for the position of bishop. Nominees with at least 25 percent of the vote at the Pastors Conference will be added to the slate for election at the Convention of General Synod, which is scheduled for September 28 – October 3 in Melbourne. Candidates may also be nominated from the floor under a special provision.
ILC News