“But I am baptized!”

Baby James is baptized into the family of God.

MOOSEHORN, Man. –  On August 15, 2020, James William Schedler was baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, with a small group in attendance at the Schedler family farm outside of Moosehorn, Manitoba. Rev. Mark Just of Immanuel Lutheran in Winnipeg officiated the outdoor baptism.

Reflecting on the importance of Baptism, Rev. Just points Christians to this note in the Reader’s Edition of the Book of Concord: “We read in the Large Catechism that, ‘Baptism is not our work, but God’s Work. It is a priceless treasure God gives and faith receives or grasps. God’s Word of Gospel-promise makes Baptism what it is. Baptism gives us great comfort and strength when our sins accuse us, when we realize how we stand guilty before God. Then, says Luther, the Christian is to say, ‘But I am baptized!’”

Even in these uncertain times of COVID-19 we cling all the more to what and Who is certain: Christ Jesus and Him crucified. The work of the Church continues to take place as we baptize, teach, and preach the Word.

The parents of James, Bill and Aimee Schedler, witnessed the baptism along with James’ sponsors, Eric and Kira Kjear.


Rev. Mark Just

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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: January 6, 2021
Posted In: Central Region News, Headline,