Cambodian Lutheran Church ordains bishop

Rev. Dr. Leonard Harms on behalf of LCC President Robert Bugbee ordains Rev. Vanarith Chhin as bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia.
SIHANOUKVILLE, CAMBODIA – The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia (ELCC) ordained its first bishop during a service in the town of Sihanoukville, Friday, May 14.
Dr. Leonard Harms, LCC volunteer missionary representing Rev. Robert Bugbee, president of Lutheran Church–Canada, ordained Rev. Vanarith Chhin during a service in this small coastal town, located halfway between Thailand and Vietnam.
Following his ordination, Chhin celebrated Holy Communion with pastors and students who are members of the Luther Seminary–Cambodia (LSC).
During a second service, the Luther Institute Southeast Asia (LISA) and the ELCC granted diplomas to seminary students.
The new bishop of ELCC then conducted the service of Commissioning of the Pastoral Candidates and Deaconess Candidate into the Service of the Gospel in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia. More than 25 pastoral and deaconess candidates were commissioned into the church.
Friends and members of other churches attended the services which marked the first graduation and commission for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia.