Camp Lutherland receives new hymnals, holds open house

Welcoming new hymnals: Diane Dennis (secretary), Eugene Frank (vice-president), Darrell Neu (chair), and Lenny Pantel (groundskeeper/maintenance).

FORT QU’APPELLE, Sask. – On June 9, 2024, Camp Lutherland held an open house and worship service, with nearly 40 people from four Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) congregations gathering for a communion service hosted by the Camp Lutherland Board, along with the local LCC congregation of Our Saviour Lutheran in Fort Qu’Appelle. 

Those gathered for the service were able to use the “new” hymnals that have been donated to the camp by various congregations. Six hymnals each were received from Grace Lutheran and Prince of Peace Lutheran in Regina, six from Zion Lutheran in Melville, and 16 from Good Shepherd Lutheran in Valleyview, Alberta. Due to a chance meeting between a Camp Lutherland board member and Valleyview’s pastor, Rev. Shiekh Lief Mauricio, the camp received a generous shipment of 16 hymnals courtesy of Gerry Steinke and Valleyview members. 

The chapel, which used to be a church in Ormiston and was moved to the camp about 40 years ago, seats about 60 people and is now stocked with 34 hymnals for summer campers, retreats, and upcoming chapel services. 

Rev. Joshua Kurtenbach and Rev. Bryan Rosnau shared duties in the service, which was followed by a free barbeque lunch hosted by the Lutherland Board. Tours of the facilities were also made available. The weather turned out great, and planners agreed to host more services in this chapel during the summer for cottage country neighbours.

Diane Dennis


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: September 10, 2024
Posted In: Central Region News, General, Headline,