Canadian Lutherans receive CCP Awards

First pages of award-winning articles in The Canadian Lutheran.

CANADA – The 2019 Canadian Church Press (CCP) Awards were announced May 1, with The Canadian Lutheran taking home three major awards: first place for a News Story (Magazine), third place for Features (Magazine), and first place for a Media Review.

“I’m delighted to see three of our authors receive national writing awards for their work in The Canadian Lutheran,” said Mathew Block, editor of the magazine. “We are a small publication with limited resources, and yet we work hard to provide members of Lutheran Church–Canada with a quality magazine six times a year. It’s gratifying to see that work acknowledged on the national level.”

James Morgan’s article “Humboldt – Still Strong” received first place in the News Story (Magazine) category. The article recounts the tragedy of the Humboldt Broncos crash of April 2018, and its impact on the community of Humboldt. Morgan documents the story from the perspective of St. John’s Lutheran Church, its pastor Clint Magnus, and members of the local church family—and how they brought comfort and the love of Christ to those hurting in the aftermath of the tragedy.

“This is such a difficult story to write,” noted the category judge. “A writer needs to bear witness to the sheer enormity of the event, and yet one also needs to describe its impact and the after-effects of both grief and healing. This writer, in simple words, resisting any tendency to dramatize the situation, brings readers into the circle. We sense the terrible pain of the community in which everyone is within a degree or two of the tragedy. At the same time, through carefully selected quotes, the writer also extends to readers the sense that the community, through faith and fellowship, will rise again.”

Rev. Dr. John Hellwege’s article “Trust Not in Princes” received third place in the Features (Magazine) category. Dr. Hellwege, a church historian, reflects on both the opportunities and dangers that political involvement affords Christians, ultimately encouraging Christians to put their trust in God and not in political leaders. The category judge praised the article because of its “great writing and the originality of the topic,” noting the feature was “thoughtful, current, timely, well-organized, and thought provoking.”

The Canadian Lutheran also received first place in the Media Review category for Rev. Michael Schutz’ article “Hammers and Nails.” The article, a review of Jordan Peterson’s book 12 Rules for Life, unpacks Peterson’s utilitarian approach to the Bible, comparing it to the Christian understanding of Scripture as God’s Word. The category judge highlighted the timeliness of the review, noting Peterson’s current influence in some Christian circles.” The judge also praised Rev. Schutz’ “strong and robust” analysis of Peterson’s approach to Scripture, highlighting both the “intelligence and grace” and “firmness and honesty” Rev. Schutz brought to the conversation.

Lutheran Church–Canada members will be pleased to learn that Tapestry (the national magazine of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League-Canada) was also honored at the 2019 CCP Awards. Jill M. Munoz received an Honourable Mention in the Theological Reflection category for her article “Pray with Perseverance.”


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: May 24, 2019
Posted In: Headline, National News,