Canadians attend Lutheran Hour Ministries conference in Detroit

Lutheran Hour Speaker Gregory Seltz addresses the convention in Detroit. (Credit: Lutheran Hour Ministries).
DETROIT – The International Lutheran Laymen’s League held its biennial Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) Outreach Conference from July 24-27 in Detroit. A number of Canadians took advantage of the event’s close proximity to Canada, and crossed the border for the conference, engaged to encourage Christians to reach out with the Gospel. The conference gathered around the theme “Sent,” drawing on the words of John 20:21. “Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”
In total, more than 700 Americans and Canadians took part in the event, which featured plenary speakers, break-out workshops, and worship services. Among the main-stage speakers were Rev. Gregory Seltz (Speaker of The Lutheran Hour), Rev. Dr. John Nunes (Professor at Valparaiso University and former President of Lutheran World Relief), and Rev. Dr. Joel Biermann (Professor at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri). They shared the stage with four other plenary speakers, while the workshops featured an additional 30 speakers on topics as diverse as marriage, world religions, social media and ministry, personal evangelism, community outreach, short-term missions, and more.
The event coincided with LHM’s Board of Directors meeting, at which time newly elected members were installed. Andreas Schwabe was among these, having been recently reelected to serve as the Canadian member on the BOD. Schwabe was first elected to serve on LHM’s board in 2012. Also present for the meetings were Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada’s (LLL-Canada) Managing Director Stephen Klinck and Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Communications Manager Mathew Block, who serves as synodical representative to the board.
The International Lutheran Laymen’s League is an auxiliary of both Lutheran Church–Canada and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The previous international convention took place in Saskatoon in 2012. LHM also helped plan a “Reach Out Canada” conference in Winnipeg in 2013, in conjunction with LLL-Canada and LCC.