Category: Columns
The world needs the Good News the Lord has entrusted to us
A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF SYNOD TO THE PASTORS AND PEOPLE OF LUTHERAN CHURCH-CANADA Treasured friends in Christ Jesus: In His kindness God is giving us one more opportunity to hear the news flash from Bethlehem, that the Rescuer of the human race…
Incorporate Luther’s Small Catechism into your daily lives
REGINA — Individuals wanting to learn how to apply Luther’s Small Catechism to their daily lives can attend a series of lectures in Regina, Sask., November 13 and 14. Dr. Ed Kettner, a professor of systematic theology at Concordia Lutheran Seminary in Edmonton, will kick…
Guilt, justice and the power of forgiveness
by Robert Bugbee Our evangelical Lutheran church was started in the strangest way. It didn’t begin at a conference table or by decree of a high-placed cleric. It began with a monk, agonizing with his face down on the stone floor of a monastery cell….
Talking to the heart
Have you ever wished you had Lutheran resources you could share with new Canadians in their native language, their ‘heart’ language? Lutheran Heritage Foundation has materials available in 66 languages. Check out for more information.
Gear-up for September
A lot of people move over the summer and are seeking new connections in their new neighbourhood, including a church. Many search for churches on the Internet using Google. That makes your website the first contact many people have with your congregation. Is it up-to-date?…
New Potter film deals with real issues
by Andrew Craig If I were to sum up Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince I would have to say “mature”. I don’t mean that it’s geared for mature audiences, but as a story and as a film it shows a maturity I appreciated…