Category: Columns
A question of communion
by Ed Kettner Recently, Canadian newspapers have reported on an interesting question which has important theological implications, both for the church and for society’s perception of the church. At the funeral of former Governor General Romeo LeBlanc, a Roman Catholic, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, a…
A view of Canada’s religious communities
The National Post has launched a blog on Canada’s religious communities called Holy Post. The newspaper welcomes participation and comments at
Reflecting on the death of Michael Jackson
by Rich Docekal Michael Jackson’s death has touched millions. His music and to a lesser degree, his notoriety as a celebrity who never quite seemed at ease with himself, brought attention to this “song & dance man” across the globe. As I see the media’s…
Free Bible study materials
In light of what is happening in the US and also across mainline protestant denominations, the issue of same-sex marriage and homosexuality remains a “hot button” issue. Concordia Publishing House is offering a free downloadable resource to help facilitate a Biblically faithful discussion around these…
Lutherans for Life responds to murder of abortion doctor
The Sunday, May 31 murder of Dr. George Tiller, a Kansas-based doctor who performed late-term abortions, prompted a response from US-based Lutherans for Life. The statement is at
What’s in a name?
LCC mission organizations comprising CLAIM (Canadian Lutheran Agencies in Mission) have produced a booklet of 28 meditations on the names for God used in Scripture which reveal His triune nature and character. Download the booklet at