Category: Columns
Grateful Whatever the Season
by Robert Mohns This summer has seen the continued outpouring of God’s grace upon His Church, especially upon the congregations and workers, both lay and rostered, of Lutheran Church–Canada. In the midst of worker shortages, the Lord has provided newly ordained pastors and sent vicars…
Christ is Mercy
by Mathew Block “But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’” – Luke 18:13 So ends one of the most beautiful parables told by Jesus….
Does the Church Have a Future?
by Timothy Teuscher Most of us are aware of the statistics concerning the decline of Christianity in our nation over the past number of years—something we see also in many congregations of Lutheran Church–Canada. Which begs the question: Is there a future for the church?…
You Can’t Do It
by Marvin Bublitz On a recent trip, I passed a large billboard in a field that read: “You can do it!” At first, I thought that it was a positive message that so many seem to need these days. Many are feeling helpless and hopeless…
Revivalism and Evangelism
by David Haberstock In my last few columns I’ve been talking about three “alternate” or fake marks of the Church: pietism, mysticism, and enthusiasm. Now I talk about the final one: revivalism. In his book, Has American Christianity Failed?, Brian Wolfmueller defines revivalism as the…
The Gift of the Office of Public Ministry
by Robert Mohns I am indebted to Lutheran Church–Canada’s first Synodical President, Rev. Dr. Edwin Lehman, for bringing to my attention a little tract written by Rev. Dr. Albert Schwerman, entitled, “The Call into the Glorious Office of Holy Ministry.” The Office of Holy Ministry…