Category: Columns
Letter from the PMC regarding resources to support pastor and worker wellness
May 8, 2020 To: LCC Circuit Counsellors From: President’s Ministry Council (PMC) Re: Resources to Support Pastor and Worker Wellness Dear Co-Workers in Christ, Pastors are well acquainted with the spiritual care resources available to provide for the well-being, comfort and strength of themselves and…
A Letter from LCC’s President to Our Pastors
May 4, 2020 Dear Brothers and Fellow Workers in the Gospel, “The mutual conversation and consolation of brethren” (SA, Part III, Article IV); so I concluded my previous letter of April 21 with that quote from the Smalcald Articles. What I want to share with…
A letter from LCC president to pastors concerning the Lord’s Supper during the pandemic
April 21, 2020 Dear Brothers and Fellow Workers in the Gospel, As I mentioned in my previous letter of April 17, our President’s Ministry Council discussed various concerns and issues that have been raised in connection with celebrating the Lord’s Supper during these challenging and…
A message from LCC’s President to those impacted by the mass-murder in Nova Scotia
The hearts and thoughts and prayers of all the pastors and members of the congregations of Lutheran Church–Canada go out to the families of those impacted by the tragic and senseless mass-murder in Nova Scotia. May our risen Lord Jesus comfort them in their grief,…
A Letter from LCC’s President to Our Pastors
April 17, 2020 Dear Brothers and Fellow Workers in the Gospel, As we bask in the glow of Easter, it warms my heart to see and hear how you have ‘stepped up to the plate’ in these uncertain, unusual and difficult times of the…
He Will Not Forsake You
by David Haberstock “I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread. He is ever lending generously, and his children become a blessing.” – Psalm 37:25-26 This is a moment of…