Category: Columns
Christmas Presence
by Mathew Block The Christmas story as it appears in St. John’s Gospel is not the version with which we are most familiar. There are no mentions here of Mary and Joseph, no angels singing to shepherds in the fields, no baby being wrapped in…
Lutherans are Advent People
by David Haberstock Change is all around us. Change can be good. It can be bad. But whether good or bad, change can cause anxiety. My life changed this year. I became a Regional Pastor and no longer serve a parish. My wife started university…
Doctor Sleep: Adequate adaptation raises questions of faith
by Ted Giese In Doctor Sleep, Dan Torrance, a hospice orderly and recovering alcoholic, has a psychic connection with a young teen girl, Abra Stone, that escalates when a nomadic group of gypsy-like psychic vampires called the True Knot led by matriarch Rose the Hat,…
The Comfort of the Communion of Saints
by Robert Mohns A couple of years ago I had the great blessing of walking along the Napoleon route of the Camino Santiago de Compostela in the northern Iberian Peninsula of Spain. One day in a local church, I made the observation that I had…
As Angels Do Above
by Timothy Teuscher On the last Sunday in September and October this year, there are two significant days on the church calendar: the festival of St. Michael and All Angels (September 29) and the observance of Reformation Day (transferred to October 27). The First Reading…