Category: Columns
From the president – Give thanks to the Lord!
By: Glenn Schaeffer Martin Luther’s favourite psalm was Psalm 118, of which he wrote, “This is my own beloved psalm… I fell in love with this psalm especially… Would to God all the world would claim this psalm for its own, as I do!” High…
From the President – The importance of being a child of God
By: Paul Zabel “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) Now that the new school year has begun and children are once again attending classes, notices are appearing, it…
Ponderings from the president – “O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come”
By: Thomas Prachar The title for this post comes from LSB 733 v.1, and is the theme for our last Central District Convention in Winnipeg. By the time you read this article, the convention will have passed into the history books. Beginning in 1922 as…
Table Talk: “That’s Too Catholic!”
In A Tale of a Tub, Jonathan Swift tells the story of three brothers who receive coats from their dying father. His will explains that they are not to add or subtract anything from these coats, and gives careful instruction as to their use. At…
In Review: God Bless the Broken Road
Another broken Christian film Director Harold Cronk who garnered notice with films like God’s Not Dead (2014) and God’s Not Dead 2 (2016) made God Bless the Broken Road for release in 2016 but it didn’t hit theatres until 2018. The film’s title comes from…
In Review: The Nun
An unsatisfying horror The Nun is the latest instalment in an ever-growing series of loosely connected horror films started by the surprise success of director James Wan’s The Conjuring (2013). Here the story is credited to Wan, but he did not direct. The Nun’s director…