Category: Columns

April 6, 2018

On the first day of the week

by Timothy Teuscher “On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, Jesus came and stood among them” (John 20:19). So we read in St. John’s Gospel concerning the first Easter—the appointed Gospel read every year on the Second…

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April 1, 2018

Easter Greetings from the President of Lutheran Church–Canada

“He is risen. He is risen indeed!” With those traditional and familiar words, I extend my greetings to all the pastors and members of Lutheran Church–Canada congregations and pray that your ears would hear anew, your hearts be warmed and comforted, and your minds enlightened…

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March 27, 2018

In Review: Paul, Apostle of Christ

Thoughtful exploration of mercy, forgiveness, and love by Ted Giese When watching Paul, Apostle of Christ (2018) viewers will be well served to remember St. Paul’s words to the early Corinthian Christians: “But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise;…

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March 22, 2018

Badly wrinkled adaptation

by Ted Giese A Wrinkle in Time (2018), directed by Ava DuVernay and adapted for the screen by Jennifer Lee (writer of Disney’s giant 2013 hit Frozen) and Jeff Stockwell (writer of the screenplay for Bridge to Terabithia) is loosely based on the 1962 young…

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February 26, 2018

Like a little child

by Paul Zabel And Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, unless you turn and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3).   In the Saturday, December 30, 2017 religion section of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record newspaper an article…

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February 21, 2018

Thoughtful and kinder super-hero movie

by Ted Giese MARVEL first introduced T’Challa as Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) to film fans back in Captain America: Civil War (2016). In that film terrorists killed his father T’Chaka (John Kani), the King of the secluded and secretive fictional African nation of Wakanda, while…

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