Category: Columns

October 7, 2016

Why I am a Lutheran

by Mathew Block Why am I a Lutheran? It’s about the Gospel. It’s about a God, looking with love on a broken creation—looking at sinful humanity and knowing they can’t save themselves. So He steps down, takes their weakness, their sin upon Himself and suffers…

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September 21, 2016

Ben-Hur: Help! My Chariot is Stuck!

by Ted Giese As expected, Timur Bekmambetov’s 2016 adaptation of Ben-Hur differs from the 1959 William Wyler film starring Charlton Heston. And that begs the question: Is that good or bad? Bekmambetov’s film is about an hour shorter and that alone makes for a different…

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September 16, 2016

Tears in a Bottle

by Paul Zabel You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in Your bottle. You have recorded each one in Your book. (Psalm 56:8) Upon attending the visitation at the funeral home for a dear friend and one of my…

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September 12, 2016

Suicide Squad: Dark brooding film in need of salvation

by Ted Giese If the heroes of the DC Extended Universe are flawed characters, then the anti-heroes of the Suicide Squad are damaged losers. They are criminals and killers, deemed unredeemable by society and by heroes like Batman who rounded up most of them for…

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September 6, 2016

When your time is up

by Thomas Prachar “There’s an app for that!” With a sigh of relief you can now undertake just about any task you weren’t sure how to handle. Someone else has made it easy for you, outlining what to do step by step. Want to know…

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August 30, 2016

A Place for Comfort

by Robert Bugbee If you read the New Testament faithfully, you will see that the early Christian congregations were not perfect places. Beautiful things happened in them, to be sure. Painful disappointments were there, too, however. Some people lied to the apostles about their giving…

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