Category: Columns
The Glorious and Not so Glorious Office
by Nolan Astley Way back in 1960, Rev. Dr. A. H. Schwermann, then President of Concordia College in Edmonton, wrote a chapter in a book called The Pastor at Work. His focus was on the doctrine of the call, but early in his chapter Schwermann,…
Blind Men Seeking the Light
A blind friend once shared with me the story of what it was like to go blind. She suffered from macular degeneration—a condition where you lose the ability to see in the centre of your visual field. Consequently, my friend kept some peripheral vision, but…
Are You Filled with the Holy Spirit?
by Nolan Astley Like me, you may have some Christian friends who talk a great deal about being filled with the Holy Spirit. Though they do not mean to sound arrogant, they often come across as if they think themselves to be a cut above…
Popcorn-Film Faith and Independence Day: Resurgence
by Ted Giese When Independence Day was released twenty years ago it was clear that it was not a very serious movie. Neither is this year’s Independence Day: Resurgence. These are popcorn-summer-blockbuster films. As was the case for the first film, the producers have released…
Save Us From Self
by Robert Bugbee “My life. My death. My choice.” It was an internet comment posted recently following a news story on the topic of physician-assisted suicide. I don’t know who wrote it, but the author figured this was a trump-card he could throw on the…
Good News to Proclaim!
by Arron Gust Recently the government of Canada passed bill C-384, a bill which allows Canadians the legal right to kill themselves. Interestingly, people on both sides of the issue remain upset. Those in support of physician-assisted suicide are upset because they feel the bill…