Category: Columns
In Review: Dune: Part Two
by Ted Giese Focusing on the second half of Frank Herbert’s 1965 science fiction novel, Denis Villeneuve’s Dune: Part Two chronicles the rise to power of a young prince thought dead. This occurs after the tragic extermination of his father and people by their sworn…
A House of Prayer
by Mathew Block In his Gospel, St. Matthew tells us that the death of Christ was accompanied by a series of miracles: unnatural darkness (27:45); an earthquake (27:51); and even a number of dead people who were brought back to life (27:52). But amidst these…
What is of First Importance?
by Timothy Teuscher When it comes to our personal lives there are many things that are of first importance to us. To the one who is unemployed, what is of first importance is finding a good-paying job. For the person reaching the end of her…
by Marvin Bublitz A few years ago, I went in for my semi-annual dentist appointment. As the dentist prepared to start he asked me, “Do you floss?” “Yes,” I said, “religiously.” He smiled approvingly. Then he bent over to start the cleaning. He glanced at…
Theology of Sound
by Timothy Teuscher “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another with all wisdom…” (Colossians 3:16a). It was these words of St. Paul, as well as similar passages in Holy Scripture, that informed my previous column on the subject…
Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun…
by Robert Mohns “Jesus shall reign where’re the sun does its successive journey’s run. His kingdom stretch from shore to shore till moons shall wax and wane no more. To Him shall endless prayer be made and endless praises crown His head; His name like sweet…