Category: Columns
How to Train Your Dragon 2: Children’s fantasy, grown-up ideas
by Ted Giese Building on How to Train Your Dragon’s story of complimentary parts making a whole, and how a change of perspective can improve a person’s overall outlook on life, DreamWorks’ sequel How to Train Your Dragon 2 again focuses on themes of friendship,…
Standing on guard
by Mathew Block It’s become almost commonplace to note that Canada is not the nation it once was. We have quickly become a post-Christian society—a nation which counts Christian faith as part of its history but not its future. Last year, Statistics Canada announced that…
President Bugbee reacts to reelection
Editor’s note: President Robert Bugbee gave the following address on Sunday, following his reelection on Saturday. by Robert Bugbee I remember six years ago when I was first elected to this task that my very gracious predecessor gave me two days to think about what…
Amazing Spider-Man 2: A David and Goliath tale
by Ted Giese The first words everyone hears as the closing credits roll following The Amazing Spider-Man 2 are from Kendrick Lamar: “And everyone knows the story of David and Goliath.” These are also the opening words of Alisha Keys’ song “It’s On Again,” which…
Heaven is For Real: Heart-warming film without a heavenly road-map
by Ted Giese Pulling into the number two spot at the box office on Easter weekend was the Christian-themed film Heaven is For Real, based on the popular book by the same name. The film, like the book, tells the story of young Colton Burpo…
The Emmaus Road
by Rev. Arron Gust On that first day of the resurrection it must have been a long, slow seven miles from Jerusalem to Emmaus. That is, for Cleopas and the other guy. We don’t know much about the other guy, but some believe Cleopas to…