Category: Columns

April 17, 2014

No Cross – No Crown!

by Paul Zabel “For narrow is the gate, and straight the way, that leads to life.” (Matthew 7:14) When I was attending the seminary in St. Louis, a popular gathering place for people was along the banks of the Mississippi River near the St. Louis…

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April 7, 2014

Selfless love

by Don Schiemann The Oxford English Dictionary’s word of the year award for 2013 goes to the word “selfie.” The official definition given by Oxford is: “A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a…

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April 4, 2014

Noah: a creative writing project

by Ted Giese Darren Aronofsky has opinions about the Noah story and he’s not afraid to let the world know what they are. They inhabit Noah in such a way that almost everyone who sees this film will walk away either scratching their heads or…

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April 3, 2014

Jesus’ right-hand man

by Mathew Block You can understand why the other disciples were angry. James and John had approached Jesus in secret and asked to be given authority above the rest. “Let one of us sit at your right,” they requested, “and the other at your left…

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March 13, 2014

Reviewing Son of God

by Ted Giese For the theatrical release of Son of God, Director Christopher Spencer and lead editor Robert Hall took material from five episodes of the television mini-series The Bible. As a result the film is much shorter with a 138-minute running time. To achieve…

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March 5, 2014

Are you worth your salt?

by Thomas Prachar It seems opinions are changing daily as to what foods are good for you and what can be harmful to your body. As kids, we would eat pistachio nuts and compare how red our fingers and lips would become. Now, it has…

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