Category: Columns
We are free!
by Paul Zabel “But the Lord has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge” (Psalm 94:22). When slavery was common during the early part of the 19th century, a kind and gentle man visited the marketplace one day. There upon the…
Resurrection hope
by Don Schiemann In spring of 2010, I was in Prince George, BC. I preached at our church in the morning and led the congregation through a call meeting in the afternoon. Then I headed off to the airport to catch my flight home—a WestJet…
Stewardship in Southeast Asia: Abundance in the Lord’s storehouse
by Leonardo Neitzel The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cambodia (ELCC) is aware of local financial challenges which might arise if it continues to rely solely on external funding for its mission and ministry. ELCC’s President, Rev. Vannarith Chhim, and several of the church’s pastors and…
The Bible: “Viewer discretion is advised”
by Ted Giese As might be expected, Lutherans are keen on the Bible. Our churches read aloud from the Scriptures every week during worship. In those same services our pastors preach sermons based on the readings for the day. We encourage our members to read…
Lutheran Presence and Witness in Cambodia: Lord, let thy kingdom come
by Leonardo Neitzel The official language of Cambodia is Khmer; its religion, Buddhism. The country is still in recovery, in some ways, from Pol Pot’s massive killings of his own people in the 1970s. Today, the economy is in steady progress, and people seem very…
LCC on the road: The tomb is empty
by Mathew Block I returned yesterday to Canada from a whirlwind tour of the Holy Land with The Canadian Church Press. As I’ve written earlier, our first days were spent visiting Caesarea, Nazareth, Capernaum, and Galilee. On Wednesday and Thursday we turned our attention to…