Category: Columns
Christians prepare for a spiritual rollercoaster
by Jacob Quast Sunday marks the beginning of the most holy week for Christians in which we receive constant reminders of our Lord Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection to redeem us from all sin, death, and hell. Ironically, the week begins with a triumphal procession….
Everyday fools
by Ken Maher “The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.” So wrote the ever-observant Mark Twain with his trademark wit and wisdom … and more than a grain of truth. April Fools’ Day…
No toy weapons against real foes
by Peggy Pedersen This week while I watched news coverage of fighting in Libya, a reporter discovered one of the combatants had only a plastic toy gun. At one point the man even risked death—braving live ammunition—trying to recover his “weapon.” How often in life’s…
Discovering God in a shamrock
by Kelly Klages Many stories and legends circulate about St. Patrick. Maybe you’ve heard how he is credited for driving all the snakes from Ireland, or how he explained the concept of the Trinity to the pagan druids using the three-leafed shamrock. What we know…
Nicaraguan church observes Ash Wednesday
by Leonardo Neitzel Ashes placed on the forehead in the sign of the cross marked the children’s worship service at Jesu Cristo Rey de Reyes (Jesus Christ King of Kings) in Granada, Nicaragua this Ash Wednesday, March 9. Lutheran Church–Canada missionary, Rev. Rufino Quintero Lainez…
Shaken and stirred into action; a reflection on earthquakes and natural disasters
by Ian Adnams This morning we awoke to news of yet another natural disaster, this time in Japan. An earthquake, the largest ever recorded in the country, not only terrified and took the lives of many, but the subsequent tsunami has brought further death and…