Category: Presidential Perspectives
Our Partnership in the Gospel
by Timothy Teuscher “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you… because of your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now” (Philippians 1:3, 5). It is significant that the word “partnership” which Paul uses in these verses comes from the…
What Kind of Trouble Can You Get Into?
by Robert Mohns In the last months, I have had the opportunity to attend both the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (ABC District) convention and the National Youth Gathering. I would like to commend the organizing committees, councils, volunteers, leaders, and participants at these events! We…
A Faithful Summer
by David Haberstock Summer is upon us, and before a recent camping trip with my family, I was limping toward summer holidays like a teacher in the last week of school. Summer is a time for rest and renewing relationships with far-flung family and friends…
“We don’t need them”: A tale of two congregations
by Marvin Bublitz Picture for a moment two congregations. One is doing well and can stand on its own. The other is struggling to provide Word and Sacraments to its members. How should they view each other? Should the stable congregation say “We don’t need…
The Pastoral Office in the Catechism
by Timothy Teuscher Recently our seminaries observed the high point of their academic year when graduates received a theological degree and their first call to congregations across our synod. It is, as such, good that we—pastors and people alike—reflect anew on the office of the…
Christ’s victory is ours!
by Robert Mohns The 75th anniversary of VE Day (“Victory in Europe” Day) was observed on May 8, 2019. The day celebrates the acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender. Canadians had been at war since September 1939. By…