Category: Presidential Perspectives

April 16, 2013

Youth! Grownups! Join me in Winnipeg this summer!

by Robert Bugbee It was 25 years ago this May: our church family came from all over the country to the Winnipeg Convention Centre. Nearly every congregation sent a representative. Nearly every pastor came. It was the organizing convention of Lutheran Church–Canada. After we had…

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March 6, 2013

How are you communicating?

by Robert Bugbee The world around us has changed. Take communication, for example. I heard recently of some young people living near each other, who could easily visit in person, but hardly ever do so. Instead, they “talk” and “listen” through endless texting and social…

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December 20, 2012

A stone along the way, an angel in the sky

  by Robert Bugbee The spot is in open country. It’s near Stotternheim, a village close to the city of Erfurt in former East Germany. A stone marks the place. A few trees surround it, and a sign tells the story to tourists. It’s where…

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October 24, 2012

Our beloved family… in Australia and around the world!

by Robert Bugbee It helps me to think of our synod as a family. It’s a long way from Dartmouth in the east to Port Alberni in the west, a long way from Kingsville in the south to places like LaRonge and the Peace River…

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July 11, 2012

Naaman: A teacher you never knew

by Robert Bugbee Now, before you go any farther, get out your Bible and read 2 Kings 5:1-14. When you’ve finished, come right back. I’ll wait for you in the next paragraph on this page. I promise! *   *   *   *   *   *   * Naaman…

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June 21, 2012

LCC President’s convention sermon now online

A month ago today, the ABC District’s 2012 Convention wrapped up, bringing to an end this round of district conventions in Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC). President Robert Bugbee of LCC had been invited to preach at the opening worship service at each of the three conventions. He…

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