Category: Regional Pastors
From the Central Regional Pastor: Marking the Easter Vigil
By: Rev. David Haberstock What’s your favourite day in the church year? Some of my favourites are the quiet joy of the faithful few celebrating Christ’s taking on our flesh on Christ-Mass Day and His flesh being pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our…
From the East Regional Pastor: A look in the Lenten mirror
By: Marvin Bublitz As I write this, we are in the midst of another Lenten season. Growing up, Lent was always my favourite time of the Church Year. I found it to be the most genuine and spiritual. Mid-week services in Lent did not suffer…
From the West Regional Pastor: I Have a Confession to Make
By: Rev. Robert Mohns I have a confession to make. I have a weight problem. The weight problem I am thinking about started about this time last year. I was concerned about what I should take and the maximum amount of weight I could carry on…
From the West Regional Pastor: Trees Endure for Generations
By: Rev. Robert Mohns Trees endure for generations. They present a powerful contrast with human mortality. “There is hope for a tree,” says the book of Job. “If it is cut down it will sprout again; Its tender shoots will not cease. If its roots are…
From the Central Regional Pastor: Is All This Worth It?
By: Rev. David Haberstock Is all this worth it? A lot of energy, man-hours, passion, and sweat has been poured into this new Synod structure thing. And yet here we are a few months into not only the new structure but now the new “Regional…
From the East Regional Pastor: Amid time of change rely on Jesus being there among us
By: Rev. Marvin Bublitz Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, the Lord be with you. “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32) In late 2018 we began a new Church Year with the First Sunday…