Category: Regional Pastors
Jesus in my heart
by Thomas Prachar Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child, Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled, Within my heart, that it may be A quiet chamber kept for Thee. – The Lutheran Hymnal (TLH) 85:13 This is my favourite verse from Luther’s Christmas hymn, “Vom Himmel Hoch,”…
When you never have to worry
by Paul Zabel Take my yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart; and you will find rest for your souls (Matthew 11:29). We are coming upon that time of year when many people often become anxious and…
“The Best of the Season to You!”
by Glenn E. Schaeffer The Christmas radio commercial went something like this: “A common greeting during this holiday season is ‘Wishing you all the best of the season.’ Do you know where to receive the ‘best of the season’?” The advertiser, a Toronto-based diamond store,…
A Faith to Live By!
by Paul Zabel During a recent trip to visit relatives in St. Louis, we sat down to eat our evening meal in a restaurant with our nephew and his family. Early into the conversation, my grand-nephew noted that he had just begun attending his first…
You are the Light of the World
by Glenn E. Schaeffer Who wrote the following words? “We live on earth for no other purpose than to be helpful to others. Otherwise it would be best for God to take away our breath and let us die as soon as we are baptized…
Awaiting the End of the World
by Thomas Prachar Well, I missed it again—and so did you! David Meade of Wisconsin predicted that our world would end on September 23, 2017 as a rogue planet called Nibiru crashed into Earth. Originally, this planet was to arrive in 2003 but was delayed…