Category: Regional Pastors
The Gospel of Feet
by David Haberstock Dirty, dusty feet. On Holy Thursday—the night on which He instituted His Supper—Christ our Lord washed His disciples’ dusty, dirty feet (John 13). We usually understand this as Him taking the role of the servant and setting an example for His…
Do we really need Lent this year?
by Marvin Bublitz Here we are in another Lenten Season, that time when, in sombre reflection, we consider our need for the Saviour. As the days hasten on from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday, the worship life of the Church is subdued. Lent is…
A Newborn Child Can Change The World
by Marvin Bublitz Ask anyone who has had a baby and you will learn about all the sorts of questions strangers ask. The Lord blessed my wife and me with four children, and I remember strangers in the grocery store asking my wife when…
Prancing Ponies Before the King — A Christmas Day Meditation
by David Haberstock “Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King.” – LSB 397 It is accomplished. It was planned from the foundation of the earth (Ephesians 1:3-4). So why do nations still fret (Psalm 2:1)? Why do they…
A Look Back
by Marvin Bublitz Once again we are at that time when we look back and consider the Reformation. Looking back can be a beneficial exercise. Recently, I have been looking back as my siblings and I have been going through my mother’s house to…