Category: Regional Pastors
What’s Normal Anymore?
by Robert Mohns This spring, in the midst of all the challenging questions and chaos brought on by the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, I found myself driving in the countryside. My attention was drawn to things that I had viewed a hundred times…
The Epidemic of Fear
by David Haberstock There is an epidemic of fear these days. It’s understandable given all the uncertainty we are facing and the challenges we’ve been wending our way through. Fear abounds. And it cuts both ways. There are those afraid of getting sick in the…
The Father Directs Our Speaking
by Marvin Bublitz When I was a very young boy, my brother and I were having a sibling discussion in the yard, and I said some things in a way I should not have. Suddenly, I heard my father’s voice through the open living…
Spiritual Warfare
by David Haberstock A while ago, I was reading the Introduction to Luther’s Large Catechism and found much wisdom and encouragement there. The recent lockdowns have been a time of great anxiety and frustration. Stuck in our houses, cut off from family, friends, congregation,…
I need God with a Face
by Robert Mohns Many of our days are spent in the routines of life according to our various vocations. We are husbands and wives. We are fathers and mothers. We have families to care for. We work, we study, we play. We worship, we…
Godly Rituals
by David Haberstock A few Sundays ago I was one of five people present at my local church for the live-streaming of the service. I helped lead and support the singing with my voice and a keyboard. Afterward, in an extremely socially distanced fashion,…