Category: Regional Pastors
Tell Ev’ryone What He Has Done
by Marvin Bublitz When people endure a difficult situation, they react in different ways. Some become withdrawn and cocoon up, as it were. Others become bitter and lash out. Some learn from the experience and grow, better prepared for the next time. For some, it…
Questions, Questions, Questions
by Marvin Bublitz It seems that very often there are a flood of questions which come your way. An interesting thing about questions though is that sometimes they can reveal more about the person asking them than the answers do. Sometimes the questions people ask…
In Praise of Low-Tech Worship
by David Haberstock After the unpleasantness of 2020-2022, we are starting to feel almost back to normal. But what hasn’t left me is the banality of screens. Prior to the pandemic, I was already grappling with too much screen time and its impacts. But the…
Hope Against Hope
by Robert Mohns The Apostle Paul, when writing the letter to the Romans, lifted up our forefather, Abraham, saying of him that “in hope he believed against hope” (Romans 4:18). On its own, this is a rather curious statement. The context, of course, is the…
Age & Fragility
by David Haberstock We all love to complain about aches and pains as we age, at least until the aches and pains are strong enough that we say with the author of Ecclesiastes that the days are such that “I have no pleasure in them”…
Catechism as pattern of the universe
by David Haberstock God our Father created the universe by speaking it into existence, and by doing so He established meaning and order in all things. We live in the aftermath of the modern era, in which society’s understanding of the world is rooted in…