Category: Education News
Annual Pastor’s Desk Diary now available for order
ST. CATHARINES, Ontario – Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary has announced its annual pastor’s desk diary is now available for order. It contains readings from the three-year and one-year lectionaries, including variants for the major Lutheran churches in Canada (LCC, ELCIC, WELS). The original work of…
Edmonton seminary calls new president
EDMONTON – The Board of Regents of Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS) has extended a call to Rev. Dr. James R. Gimbel to become its next president. The action was taken after the seminary’s electors conducted interviews and cast their votes on Friday, October 25. Dr. Gimbel has…
Sacred Music and Romantic Verve: Upcoming concerts from CUCA
EDMONTON – The next few weeks in Edmonton will see the Concordia University College of Alberta musical community host two special concerts. “Lord Make Me an Instrument” is the theme of Concordia’s 13th annual Sacred Music Festival, featuring renowned Canadian choral composer Eleanor Daley, along…
Intensive PAT session in Ontario
ST. CATHARINES, Ontario – The Pastors with Alternative Training (PAT) program had a special session at Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) in St. Catharines, Ontario on October 2-5. Five students from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds took an intensive course on the Lutheran Confessions, with…
Applicants Wanted for the Greatest of all Adventures
by Don Schiemann On January 13, 1914, Ernest Shackelton published the following notice: “Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness. Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success.” Five thousand applications were received in…
CLS calls for award nominations
EDMONTON – The faculty and Board of Regents of Concordia Lutheran Seminary (Edmonton) invite individuals, congregations, and Boards of Lutheran Church-Canada to submit the names of persons to be considered for one of the seminary’s honorary degrees and awards. The purpose of these honorary degrees and…