Category: Education News
Founding seminary president called home
LINCOLN, Nebraska – The Lord called home the founding president of Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton, Rev. Dr. W. Theophilus “Ted” Janzow, on Saturday, August 21, 2010. Dr. Janzow was 91. He served as president of the Edmonton seminary from 1984-88. “When Dr. Janzow suggested a…
Renewal and change at university college
EDMONTON – Concordia University College of Alberta (CUCA) is introducing a new look as part of its Concordia Tomorrow initiative. Over the summer, the university college upgraded its facilities and renewed its image as part of the federal government’s Knowledge Infrastructure Program (KIP). Recent construction…
Founding president of Canadian seminary called home
The Lord called home the founding president of Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton, Rev. Dr. W. Theophilus ‘Ted’ Janzow, on Saturday, August 21, 2010. Dr. Janzow was 91. He served as president of the Edmonton seminary from 1984-88. “When Dr. Janzow suggested a motto for the new…
Helping meet intercultural ministry needs
While Canada celebrates its multiculturalism, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) encourages inter-culturalism—Gospel proclamation in churches and congregations where Lutherans from around the world, now living in Canada, receive God’s gifts in Word and Sacraments. For many adult new Canadians, the first task is learning English, then adapting…
Current budgets cause concern for seminary task force
“We’re at the point where recommendations are becoming clearer,” reported Rev. Nolan Astley to Lutheran Church–Canada’s Board of Directors. Rev. Astley is chairman of the Task Force on Cost-Efficient and Sustainable Seminary Education. His report summarized the most recent meetings of the task force in…
World Seminaries Conference discusses Lutheran identity in a changing world
FORT WAYNE, IN (CTS)— Some 65 seminary professors and representatives from 24 countries gathered on the campus of Concordia Theological Seminary (CTS), Fort Wayne, Indiana, June 3–6, 2010, as part of a world seminaries conference. Representing Lutheran Church–Canada were Dr. William Mundt and Dr. John Stephenson…