Category: Education News

September 4, 2009

New year celebrations

The seminaries of Lutheran Church–Canada will mark the beginning of a new academic year in September. Concordia Lutheran Seminary (25th Anniversary), Saturday, September 12 1:00 Open House 3:00 Opening Worship (Redeemer, Edmonton) 5:30 25th Anniversary Reception (Redeemer, Edmonton) Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines, Sunday,…

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August 14, 2009

Graduate studies at CUCA

This fall, Concordia University College launches its Master of Arts in Biblical and Christian Studies program. Unique in Alberta, the course of study is an accredited graduate degree. Students will focus their studies in one of the program’s three areas of concentration: Old Testament Studies,…

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August 14, 2009

Keep in tune

Concordia University College presents a Church Music Symposium, Monday, August 24 in CUCA’s Tegler Student Centre. The guest this year is Michael Hawn, who will speak throughout that day on topics related to enlivening the congregation’s song, and using global music in worship. In addition,…

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July 2, 2009

Task force recommends closer seminary ties

WINNIPEG – LCC’s Board of Directors received an interim report from the Task Force on Cost-efficient Seminary Education and accepted three recommendations for immediate implementation. The board met June 25 in a teleconference. As funding is a major issue for both Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary,…

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July 2, 2009

Future pastors need your help

“Basically, our financial aid department is broke—with a full batch of students due to arrive in less than three months” reports Dr. Stephen Chambers, dean of Student Life and director of Financial Aid at Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton. Between the market decline last year which…

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June 2, 2009

Seminary task force on track

LCC’s Task Force on Cost-efficient, Sustainable Seminary Education completed site visits at both Lutheran Church–Canada seminaries and at Concordia University College on schedule. At each seminary, the task force met with the president, faculty and staff to learn the history of each institution and hear…

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