Category: Feature Stories
“We Need Hymns” Singing About Jesus in Francophone Africa
by Phillip Magness Hymns and Hymnals Lutheranism has been associated with congregational song since the earliest days of the Reformation. Even before the Augsburg Confession, Martin Luther recognized the pedagogical usefulness of music and the need for the saints to sing the faith.1 Lutherans developed a rich and robust…
Veritas and Caritas United: A Confessional Lutheran Approach to Missions
by M.L. Smith The mission of the Church is fundamentally rooted in the proclamation of God’s Word and the extension of His love to a world in need. As confessional Lutherans, we understand the relationship between Veritas (truth) and Caritas (love/charity) as inseparable and complementary…
Be of good cheer
by Steven Schave When you think of the ministry that Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots (LAMP) does, you probably first envision the smiling faces of children at Vacation Bible School. You might think of snacks, crafts, giggling, and fun as well as teams traveling…
The Holy Arm of the Lord
by Alex Vieira At Christmas, we often think of Jesus as a small, vulnerable baby in the manger, yet we are also reminded that He is far more than He appears: He is God’s Son and our Saviour. But the prophet Isaiah invites us to…
A Saviour is Born—For You and Your Neighbour
by Martin Luther Christ for You It is of no value merely to believe that the story of the birth of Jesus is true as it is written. The right and gracious faith which God demands is that you firmly believe that Christ is born…
A Closer Study of the Lord’s Prayer: Part Four
NOTE: This is the fourth and final entry in a series of study articles on the Lord’s Prayer. See also the introduction to the series, as well as Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. by John Kreutzwieser Lead us not into temptation / But…