Category: Feature Stories
Iran and the Gospel
Note: “Today around the world more than 200 million are suffering for their faith in Jesus Christ. Each year, Christians in more than 130 countries stand in prayer with their persecuted brothers and sisters through the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP).”…
“Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly”
by Leonardo Neitzel In October 2012, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) congregations and individual members in Winnipeg and other areas are celebrating the first year finished of a two-year Bible reading plan. With the help of the Holy Spirit, and inspired by LCC’s 2011 national convention’s theme—“in…
Why the Reformation still matters
by Peggy Pedersen On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses on the door of Wittenberg Cathedral. If that hammer could have announced the seismic changes to come in Europe and the Christian Church, its echoes would have shook the world. Today, however, it…
The state of Quebec Lutheranism
by James Morgan The political relationship between Quebec and the rest of Canada has often been a difficult one, with nationalist groups at various times asserting the province’s linguistic and cultural distinctiveness. The recent victory of the Parti Quebecois in the September provincial election will…
The missionary Luther
by Glenn Schaeffer “A current joke has to do with a new Martin Luther doll,” writes John Warwick Montgomery almost 40 years ago. “You wind it up and it just ‘stands there!” Montgomery asks, “Did Luther just stand there—at Wittenberg, at Leipzig, at Worms, at…
Martin Luther: Sinner/Saint
by Mathew Block Occasionally when sharing my faith with others, I will be met with the reply: “You’re a Lutheran? But don’t you know the terrible things that Martin Luther did?” More often than not, these people are referring to Luther’s treatise On the Jews…