Category: Feature Stories
Into Africa
by Mathew Block “We can see that our lives have changed significantly; they are better than they were before. And so our people say thank you.” These were the words which greeted participants of Canadian Lutheran World Relief’s (CLWR) “Global Encounter” program at a small…
First Oromo pastor celebrated at Central District Convention
At the Central District Convention of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), Rev. Assefa Nega Aredo was recognized and congratulated on his recent ordination. Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel—LCC’s Executive for Mission and Social Ministry, and director of the Pastors with Alternate Training (PAT) program—presented Rev. Aredo with an Amharic-language edition of the Book…
Haiti: Two years later
by Ian Adnams With the speed of today’s news cycles the old adage “out of sight; out of mind” is more relevant than ever. Yet just because news gathering organizations are no longer interested in a story doesn’t mean it goes away. This is often the…
Shock and Awe
by Mark Dressler One of my favourite “post-Easter” depictions is a painting of the resurrected Christ and the disciple Thomas. It is a wonderful work of art called “The Incredulity of Saint Thomas” by the Italian artist Caravaggio. The painting portrays the Easter encounter of Jesus…
Gospel-motivated love
by Mathew Block “He is not here. He is risen!” This is the Good News of Easter: Jesus Christ died, but He did not stay dead. He bore our sins, suffered the punishment we deserved, and three days after He was laid in the tomb,…
First graduate of LCC’s PAT program
WINNIPEG – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is excited to announce the upcoming ordination of the first graduate from its Pastors with Alternate Training (PAT) program. Assefa Nega Aredo will be awarded his theological diploma at a mixed English-Oromo language service at Winnipeg’s Lutheran Church of the Redeemer (59 Academy Road) on…