Category: Feature Stories
What does this mean? Dropping the “Son of God”
This is my Son… the Christ? Over the past few months, Wycliffe Bible Translators (the largest Bible translation organization in the world) and its partner SIL International have come under fire for producing Muslim-friendly translations of the Scriptures which replace references to the “Father,” “Son,”…
Lutheran Church–Canada marks Sanctity of Life Sunday
by James Morgan The Scriptures tell us that the lives of all people are sacred – whether those people are elderly, disabled, or still growing in their mothers’ wombs. Unfortunately, not everyone shares this belief in the sanctity of life. Abortion is legal in Canada,…
New President in Nicaraguan Partner Church
by Robert Bugbee Dear friends, It has been an encouraging (and, oh yes, warm!) few days here at the Third Convention of the Iglesia Luterana Sínodo de Nicaragua (ILSN) (Lutheran Church Synod of Nicaragua), which ended Sunday at the Mission Centre Chapel near Chinandega. Delegates elected Rev. Marvin…
New Spanish VBS resources delight Nicaraguan church workers
by Jane Ford From December 12-18, 2011, pastors and deaconesses from Iglesia Luterana Sínod de Nicaragua (Lutheran Church Synod of Nicaragua) (ILSN) completed a test run of a new free Spanish-language vacation Bible school (VBS) program. The process began almost a year ago when veteran…
Fruitful first dialogue between LCMS and NALC
by Mathew Block The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and North American Lutheran Church (NALC) officially began dialogue in a series of meetings December 15 -16 in St. Louis, Missouri. Among those present were President Matthew Harrison of the LCMS and Bishop John Bradosky of the…
The Nativity in 3D: The Crèche helps tell the Christmas story
by Jim Chliboyko One wouldn’t think a nativity scene—the traditional depiction of the evening of Christ’s birth—would provide too much mileage for comedy. But that didn’t stop Mr. Bean. There’s a famously cheeky (and slightly naughty) bit during Merry Christmas Mr. Bean, in which the…