Category: Feature Stories
We value grace
by David Bode In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus calls His disciples to set their eyes on things above rather than things below: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasure on earth,” He cautions, “but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (Matthew 6:19,20…
Stuttering kings and imperfect pastors
Reflections on The King’s Speech and the Office of the Preacher by Mathew Block Widely hailed by critics as one of the best films of 2010, and nominated for twelve Academy Awards, The King’s Speech offers Christians much more than an evening’s entertainment according to…
Excuse me. Your bias is showing!
The scientific world received some shocking news last year. Researchers Jere Jenkins and Ephraim Fischbach of Purdue University, and Peter Sturrock of Stanford published an article that seems to challenge the “clock” used to approximate the age of archaeological objects. If this study is accurate,…
Ethiopian church is “not ashamed of the Gospel” says LCC pastor
Following three days of discussion, worship and fellowship the Ethiopian Evangelical Mekane Yesus Church’s (EEMYC) International Theological and Mission Conference in Addis Ababa concluded with a closing service marked by singing, preaching, prayer and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Organizers asked the pastors…
Take back the brains of our culture
by Jonathan Strand Who do you listen to and pay attention to more, and whose opinions do you respect more: people who know more or who know less? Who has the greater influence in our society? On average, people who know more and are…
The Rite, the spirit world, and you
by Kurt Lantz Much like The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005, Sony Pictures), the new film The Rite (2011 Warner Bros) attempts to make the point that if we believed in the devil then we would also believe in God. Does the belief in both…