Category: Feature Stories
Emmanuel—God is still with us!
by Joel V. Kuhl Oh, what joy it is to see a brightly wrapped gift under the Christmas tree with your name on it! It’s special. It’s yours! It’s not hard to see why children love to sneak a peek. They want to know what…
Come, Lord Jesus, Be Our Guest
by Jane Jacob During the season of Advent, we turn our minds to Jesus, and focus on the first and second coming of Christ. We contemplate that He was born in Bethlehem thousands of years ago, and will eventually return to earth in glory. While…
Love Your Enemies: The Persecuted Church Today
by Mathew Block The year is approximately 34 A.D. A young man named Stephen stands before a crowd in Jerusalem. He confesses that Jesus is the Messiah promised by the prophets of old and that, though He was killed, He now stands alive at the…
The Journey Through Grief
by Michael Keith You don’t get over it; you get through it. As a pastor I have journeyed through the valley of the shadow of death with many people. The loss of a loved one leaves us profoundly hurt and broken. We experience emotions…
Faith and Suffering
by Richard Beinert In the Middle Ages, it was not uncommon for people to use images of the instruments of Jesus’ torture and suffering as the basis for their meditations. While the practice might seem odd to us today, there was a strong sense at…
Getting to know LCC’s Dean of Military Chaplains
An Interview with DMC, Rev. Rod Buck What is your role and where do you serve? My name is Rev. Rod Buck and I am currently serving the parish and school of St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Stony Plain, Alberta. I have also been called…