Category: Feature Stories
A Saviour is Born—For You and Your Neighbour
by Martin Luther Christ for You It is of no value merely to believe that the story of the birth of Jesus is true as it is written. The right and gracious faith which God demands is that you firmly believe that Christ is born…
A Closer Study of the Lord’s Prayer: Part Four
NOTE: This is the fourth and final entry in a series of study articles on the Lord’s Prayer. See also the introduction to the series, as well as Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. by John Kreutzwieser Lead us not into temptation / But…
The Office of Discouragement
by Scott Gamble and Michelle Heumann The pastor steps into the pulpit and notices the person who argued at the last few voters’ meeting that pastor wasn’t doing enough to support the church’s boards—even though the pastor was at church every night last week, missing…
Martin Luther and the Care of Souls
by John A. Maxfield The most important thing to know about the reformer Martin Luther (1483-1546) regarding the care of souls is that Luther was above all a pastor—that is, a shepherd of Christ’s sheep. Yet his pastoral care was conducted mostly through public preaching…
The Death of a Child
by Terry Zibin “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 6: 23 The death of a child is one of the most painful, difficult, and sorrowful events a parent…
A Closer Study of the Lord’s Prayer: Part Three
NOTE: This is the third in a series of study articles on the Lord’s Prayer. See the introduction to the series, as well as Part 1 and Part 2. by John Kreutzwieser Give us this day our daily bread / And forgive us our trespasses as…