Category: Feature Stories
Good Shepherd Valleyview building fire
by Michelle Heumann VALLEYVIEW, Alta. – Late in the evening of July 26, 2020, the building belonging to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, a historical storefront located on Main Street, caught on fire. Rev. Shiekh Lief Mauricio, who has been the pastor there since 2019, reports…
God’s Gift of Literature
by Mary J. Moerbe When my father read to me as a child, he gave me a great gift. As an educator, he knew he was shaping how my mind would receive and process language and imagery, and, as my dad, it was a bonding,…
by Stephen Chambers Everyone loves a mystery, they say. That might be why Jesus’ parables are so popular. They use ordinary language to point toward spiritual realities which transcend our everyday experience, and the gaps between those two worlds are both fascinating and mysterious….
The Good Shepherd
by Jim Chimirri-Russell The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the…
Lord, Teach Us To Pray
by Thomas M. Winger Jesus’ three-year earthly ministry was saturated with prayer. He regularly escaped from the crowds to commune with His Father in prayer. It seems quite remarkable to us that one who fully knew the mind of God, as the second Person…
Lutheran Spirituality
by Esko Murto Is it sensible to ask whether there is something particularly “Lutheran” about Lutheran spirituality? On the one hand, we might say no, realizing that devotion and piety have always been areas where grass root ecumenism has made great successes. Lutherans, Catholics,…