Category: Feature Stories
Train Up a Child
by Mathew Block A month ago my daughter celebrated her fourth birthday. A few months earlier my son turned two. As my children get older, I increasingly find myself pondering the words of Proverbs: “Train up a child in the way he should go; even…
Spider-Man Fights a Web of Lies
by Ted Giese Following the events of Avengers Endgame and the death of his mentor Iron Man, Peter Parker (Spider-Man) faces uncertainties and personal doubts. While trying to be a normal teenager focused on his crush, MJ, Parker’s high school science trip to Europe is…
Diaconal Coordinator for Central America appointed
CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Committee for Missions and Social Ministry has appointed Dcn. Olga Groh as Diaconal Coordinator for Central America. For many years, the training of Lutheran deaconesses has been an important part of Lutheran Church–Canada’s international mission work. Deaconesses—a special class of…
Toy Story 4: Fun, thought-provoking, and eye-popping
by Ted Giese Toy Story 4 continues the story of Woody and his fellow toys who, at the end of Toy Story 3, were given by the college-bound Andy to a shy little girl named Bonnie. Woody struggles to adapt to life with a new…
Paul at the Areopagus: A Model for Apologetics
by Adam Chandler The word “apologetics” is becoming more common, so some Christians may ask: “What is apologetics anyway?” The simple answer is that it’s a way of defending the faith. St. Peter explains in greater detail: “In your hearts honour Christ the Lord as…
Anyuak pastor installed in Winnipeg
WINNIPEG – On June 22, 2019, Rev. Oboya Ochalla was ordained and installed as Assistant Pastor of St. James Lutheran Church in Winnipeg where he will focus on outreach to the Anyuak and Amharic communities. “It’s a joy to be ordained into the pastoral ministry,”…