Category: Feature Stories
God the Father Almighty
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth… What does it mean that God is our Father? Some would accuse the church of being typically patriarchal in naming God this way. The assumed ‘male-ness’ of God is purported to be another…
LCC Administrator reports on 2018 financial results and approved 2019 budget
Lutheran Church-Canada Administrator Dwayne Cleave reported to the LCC Board of Directors at their April 5, 2019, meeting that the 2018 fiscal year ended with an operating surplus of $14,055, a positive result when compared to the 2018 budget expectation of a $3,402 surplus. This…
Interim Canadian Missions Executive Appointed
WINNIPEG, MB – Lutheran Church-Canada’s International Missions Executive, Rev. M.L. Smith has been appointed by LCC’s Board of Directors to serve as Interim Assistant to the President for Domestic Missions. Along with his duties as the International Missions Executive, Rev. Smith will serve in this…
Table Talk: God in Three Persons, Blessed Trinity
By: Mathew Block Few mysteries in the Christian faith can be said to rival that of the nature of the Godhead. We confess God to be three distinct Persons and yet one God. But how can God be three and yet one? Like all good…
From the Central Regional Pastor: Marking the Easter Vigil
By: Rev. David Haberstock What’s your favourite day in the church year? Some of my favourites are the quiet joy of the faithful few celebrating Christ’s taking on our flesh on Christ-Mass Day and His flesh being pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our…
Tragic Killings In Penticton Impacts LCC Congregation
Rev. Michael Schutz, pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church, issued the following statement today: “The small city of Penticton – in the southern part of BC’s Okanagan valley – was rocked by the news of a gunman who shot and killed four people on the Monday…