Category: Feature Stories
CCSCF to host conference on Technology and Theology
EDMONTON – The Canadian Centre for Scholarship and the Christian Faith (CCSCF) at Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE) cordially invites you to our eighth annual conference. The theme for 2019 is Technology and Theology. The keynote speaker is Dr. Craig Gay from Regent College in…
Prayers from our Lutheran Church for Paris after Fire at Notre Dame
Prayers from our Lutheran Church—Canada family go out to all who have been impacted by the catastrophic fire that engulfed the famous Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris yesterday. Not only was the church building a place of worship for centuries, but it was also a…
Holy Week Message From President Teuscher
Holy Week greetings to the pastors, deacons, and members of the congregations of our Synod. “Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when God raised Him from the tomb? Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble” (LSB 456). So…
Board of Directors Meet and Greet Members in Leduc, AB
LEDUC, AB – Approximately 100 people attended an Open House on Thursday, April 4 at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Leduc, AB. The event was held as part of the Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) Board of Directors meeting and invited members of LCC to share their…
In Review: Dumbo
Second go-round fails to fly Set in post-WWI America Dumbo (2019) is the story of a baby circus elephant with enormous ears who loses his mom but learns to fly. He first flies with the help of a grieving circus family. Like Dumbo the family’s…
ILC works with Nigerian Lutherans to plant churches
NIGERIA – The International Lutheran Council (ILC) is working with the Lutheran Church of Nigeria (LCN) to support mission outreach in cities and urban areas across the country. While well-established in rural areas, the Lutheran Church of Nigeria has identified greater emphasis on urban outreach as…