Category: Feature Stories
Have you subscribed to the New InfoDigest?
Starting January 1, 2019, as part of the renewal efforts by Lutheran Church–Canada, District newsletters ceased publication and content from those newsletters were amalgamated into a single newsletter published by LCC: InfoDigest. As a result, InfoDigest has increased its frequency of publication from bi-monthly to weekly. The new InfoDigest includes…
LCC National Youth Gathering Registration Is Open
Registration for the 2019 Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) National Youth Gathering is now open. The Gathering is an event sponsored by Lutheran Church-Canada every three years that is focused on building up and encouraging Lutheran young people and youth leaders in our church. The event will…
Reclaiming My Voice: A Pastor’s Wife’s Story
By: Lise Haberstock I wrote the first draft of this article in one sitting. Pages upon pages, ranting about mental health in the Church, focused mainly on pastors and their families—well me, really. Nothing I said was untrue, but the next morning I began to doubt…
Burning Out: A Pastor’s Story
By: David Haberstock Something seemed off. What were we missing? I’m a pastor (best job in the world, right?). So how could anything be wrong? My family is ok. My marriage is ok. New parish. New challenges. Untold blessings that I am thankful to the…
Table Talk: Serving those who serve
By: Mathew Block “I appeal to you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf” (Romans 15:30). With these words, St. Paul called on the Christians in…
Honourable Wound: What’s the difference between a hero and a warrior?
by Jennifer Ackerman Their first meeting took place in Unit 4 during a game of ping-pong. Michael Meszaros grew up in Regent Park, back when it was Toronto’s roughest neighbourhood. A life of gangs, crime and drugs followed him to Regina at age 12. And…