Category: Feature Stories
LWML-Canada leaders meet in Calgary
Following each triennial convention, newly elected and appointed personnel of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League-Canada (LWMLC) meet to build community and plan for the coming three years. September 7-8, 2018 the group met in Calgary. A change from such meetings in the past was the invitation…
From the President – The importance of being a child of God
By: Paul Zabel “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) Now that the new school year has begun and children are once again attending classes, notices are appearing, it…
A Defense of Beauty: Lutherans and Church Art
by Kelly Klages Why does beauty matter in the church? Art is a powerful resource for teaching the faith. Beauty, order, and harmony in worship bear witness to our beliefs and reflect truth about God’s Word. Lavish art has been a hallmark of biblical worship,…
Ponderings from the president – “O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come”
By: Thomas Prachar The title for this post comes from LSB 733 v.1, and is the theme for our last Central District Convention in Winnipeg. By the time you read this article, the convention will have passed into the history books. Beginning in 1922 as…
Table Talk: “That’s Too Catholic!”
In A Tale of a Tub, Jonathan Swift tells the story of three brothers who receive coats from their dying father. His will explains that they are not to add or subtract anything from these coats, and gives careful instruction as to their use. At…
Statement to Members of Lutheran Church–Canada
In an effort to clarify and address some of the questions that have surfaced in recent days relative to matters that will be proposed at the upcoming District conventions, please note the following. The corporations known as: Lutheran Church-Canada, the Alberta-British Columbia District; Lutheran Church-Canada,…