Category: Feature Stories
Supreme Court Rules against Christian University
OTTAWA – On June 15, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled against Trinity Western University (TWU), which was seeking to have the law societies of Ontario and British Columbia’s refusal to accredit graduates of TWU’s proposed new law school overturned. The societies had stated they…
LWF unilaterally suspends regular meetings with the ILC
GENEVA – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has unilaterally moved to suspend regular meetings with the International Lutheran Council (ILC), following a joint decision by LWF General Secretary Martin Junge and LWF President Panti Filibus Musa. Dr. Junge announced the decision in a report to…
LCC to welcome new International Mission Executive
WINNIPEG, MB – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is pleased to announce that Pastor Mark L. Smith has accepted the call to the position of Assistant to the President for International Missions (International Missions Executive). LCC’s Board of Directors extended the call in June and Rev. Smith…
LWML-Canada celebrates anniversary with introduction of a new logo
Twenty-five years after becoming an autonomous Canadian organization, Lutheran Women’s Missionary League-Canada celebrated the occasion July 5-8, 2018 in Winnipeg under the same theme from 1993 – “One in Spirit, One in Purpose.” There was an anniversary cake, photos from the founding convention and other…
Flooding in Grand Forks BC: Volunteering with Samaritan’s Purse May – June 2018
By Heather Shilton Christ Lutheran Church, Grand Forks, BC For four weeks in June of this year, I had the privilege of working with Samaritan’s Purse, doing disaster relief following catastrophic flooding in Grand Forks, British Columbia. The experience was profoundly satisfying, empowering and humbling….
Woven Together in Christ
Putting on a New Face Twenty-five years ago, after 50 years of walking together, Lutheran Women’s Missionary League-Canada (LWMLC) was born out of Int’l LWML. Like a child we needed to learn to do things on our own; to find our place as an auxiliary…