Category: Feature Stories
Prepared for Good Works
by Mathew Block Faith transforms lives. The Scriptures tell us that those who believe in Jesus Christ begin to live differently. Those who have been given the Holy Spirit are empowered by Him to begin to live a new life, to strive to follow God…
#endthekilling: New urgency for 2016 March for Life with impending legalization of physician assisted suicide
OTTAWA – Pro-life Canadians are preparing for this year’s National March for Life in Ottawa, with Lutherans planning to be among them. This year’s theme is #endthekilling and refers to the twin concerns of abortion and euthanasia. “Canadian governments have permitted the killing of preborn…
LCC unveils logo for 2017 Reformation celebrations
CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) has released its logo for 500th anniversary commemorations of the Reformation in 2017. The logo was designed by Philip Prozenko as a gift to the church. Prozenko is chairman of St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He is…
Till Death Do You Part: When Your Marriage is in Trouble, What Do You Do?
by David Faerber Just over two decades ago I resigned from the pastoral ministry. Why? I ended up getting divorced. Some suggested I might be a better pastor for the experience—better able to speak to the challenges of others in similar situations. That may have…
Restructuring Update: Survey Results Released
by William Ney Dear Members of LCC: In keeping with our plan of implementation for the restructuring of Lutheran Church-Canada (LCC) as requested of by the three Districts of LCC, the Commission on Constitutional Matters and Structure (CCMS) is moving ahead quickly to share the…
Maundy Thursday through Easter Sunday
Maundy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday Easter Sunday ———————