Category: Feature Stories
Just in Time
by Peggy Pedersen “When the time had fully come, God sent His Son.” – Galatians 4:4 – One feature of non-Abrahamic religions is a cyclical view of time, but the Old Testament teaches that time is linear and progressive. Indeed, the very idea of progress…
Honouring Your Father: Star Wars and the Fourth Commandment
by Ted Giese At this point, writing anything about Star Wars is like adding a drop of water into the ocean. Even so, as people welcome Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Episode VII), it’s worth taking a look at the previous films, particularly the original…
Welcoming the Prince of Peace in a World of War
by Harold Ristau In light of public response to recent terrorist activity in Europe and elsewhere, we see how powerful fear can be. Although “perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18), our Christian walk is often characterized not by love but instead by doubt….
Re-Forming Our Church: Restructuring Update December 2015
by William R.A. Ney The Commission on Constitutional Matters and Structure (CCMS), having been given a strong mandate from the last Synodical Convention and all three District Conventions to put forward a plan to restructure Lutheran Church–Canada, has made a major move forward in that…
A Promised Peace
by Mathew Block For several weeks leading up to Christmas, the Church commemorates a season called Advent. The word comes from a variant of the Latin word for “to come,” and refers to the prophesied coming of Christ. Consequently, in Advent Christians do two things:…
Atlantic Canada mission venture
by Ron Mohr ATLANTIC CANADA – “The Christian Church is a church in mission. From her Lord Himself she has received the mandate to ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation’ (Mark 16:15). In keeping with that mandate and…